Thursday, December 8, 2011

I really enjoyed having Sister Williams come to class on Wednesday. I thought it was so nice of her to be willing to share her story with us. I felt like it gave me a much better understanding of what it would be like to get remaried and how hard it could be to go out and date again after having chldren. I was also very impressed that Brother Williams was able to take on such a huge responsibility with not only providing for a wife at 21 but also for two little boys. I am almost 21 myslef and I can't imagine having to take care of two children already and especially fresh off a mission. It was just an incredible story! My faveorite part of the class was when Brother Williams shared the song by Brad Paisley that his son had dedicated to him. I just started crying becasuse it was such a beautiful song and it made me want to start a family so bad. I went home that night and my roommate and I watched that music video again and she started crying too. Families really are incredible and I am so grateful for the opportunity I will have one day to be a wife and mother.

Brother Williams- Thank you so much for sharing your story and for the great semester! You are a wonderful teacher and I have really enjoyed your class. I would also like to thank you for the times you felt inspired to share some of your personal experiences. I have been touched deeply by them.